Friday, March 15, 2013

Well How Are You Going To Do That?

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When going after what you want, I bet you hear this all the time. "Well how are you going to do that?" and it's said in a very negative tone of voice. You don't have a response and then you're told "See, I told you so. You can't. So quit day dreaming." The irony of this is that it's actually the best question you can ask yourself when achieving your goals. It's just when we present our goals to others, we usually get that question HOW in a negative tone of voice. It discourages us, we apologize for even thinking of such a thing, and then we go back to "reality." Well I'm here to ENCOURAGE you. 

So HOW are you going to achieve your goal? You tell me your goal, (I find it very interesting and nod my head smiling at you), and I say to you "Wow that's a great idea! Let's think about it. HOW are you going to do it? (Said in a positive tone so you can get to work). If you don't have any ideas right now IT'S OK. Begin at once. Plant that seed in your mind and water it daily. Take care of that seed and nourish it, you're going to see it start to grow at once. 

One of the best things to do, is to write it out on paper. Ever hear the saying "Geniuses think on paper." It's true. Writing out what you want on paper gets you focused on how you're going to do it. So write out what you want on a piece of paper, I want ________ by _date when completed_, and then start asking yourself HOW  you're going to do it. Also, put tally marks of days that you've worked on your goal so you can see your progress. Remember, HOW is actually the best thing you can ask yourself.

I remember reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, and how when money got brought up at the Poor Dad's dinner table, the conversation would get stopped immediately. But when money was brought up at the Rich Dad's dinner table, it was encouraged and they would start talking about HOW it can be done. See the difference here? Not talking about HOW to get money is why the poor dad is poor, and talking about HOW to get money is why the Rich Dad is rich! 

You see, when you ask yourself HOW, Your brain gets put to work. If it's day 1 of trying to achieve your goal, it's going to be a struggle. But then day 2 goes and it gets easier. Day 3 goes by and it's easier. By day 30, the goal, thinking about it, and applying your actions of  HOW you're going to get it is all you're going to be thinking about. When you don't even bother to ask yourself HOW you're going to do something, you're either going to stay stagnant or move backwards. As Bob Proctor says, it's create or disintegrate. Focus on Creating something great and HOW you're going to do it! If anybody discourages, come back to this blog for encouragement. YOU CAN DO IT! Right down HOW on a flashcard and look at it often. You're going to fall in love with the word HOW. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Law of Attraction Coach on Facebook

Your Law of Attraction Coach is on Facebook! Like Your Law of Attraction Coach and get helpful tips and ideas that will help you move forward with your life. Go now! You've attracted this. Happiness and abundance is on it's way to you!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What You're Really Asking For When You Think of What You Don't (Do) Want

The Law of Attraction isn't biased to wants or don't wants. So that's why it's important to not only monitor your thoughts, but also what you say to yourself.

I don't want to be late- I want to be late.

I don't want to be fat- I want to be fat. 

I don't want to get an F on this test- I want to get an F on this test.

I don't want to break up with my boyfriend/girlfriend- I want to break up with my boyfriend/girlfriend.

I don't want to go into work on the weekend- I want to go into work on the weekend. 

I don't want girls/boys to think I'm ugly- I want girls/boys to think I'm ugly.

I don't want to be in debt- I want to be in debt and I want more of it. 

I don't want to be alone this weekend- I want to be alone this weekend. 

I think you get the idea. Now forget that I wrote this and REALLY focus on this next part.

I want to get an A on this Test.

I want to be healthy and whole. 

I want to double my income this year!

I am confident and I love my body.

I want to relax this weekend. 

I want to stay together with my Boyfriend/Girlfriend. 

I want to be early or on time. 

I want to hang out with my friends this weekend and do fun and exciting things!

If what you want didn't happen, it could be the Law of Sacrifice playing it's role, replacing something good for something better. Now apply this to your life!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Relationship Affirmations

I am so happy and grateful now that..

-I love being me!

-I attract loving and harmonious relationships.

-I am easily able to communicate, connect, and make friends with people.

-I attract great people on a continuous basis. 

-People are subconsciously drawn to me. 

-I attract exciting, interesting, loving, people. 

-I am respected and appreciated. 

-I have a radiating and magnetizing personality.

-People love my company!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Money Affirmations

I am so happy and grateful now that...

-I am a money magnet!

-Money comes easily and frequently to me!

-I am worth billions! 

-I have more than enough money!

-Money comes to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources on a continuous basis!

-Money loves me! 

-I receive unexpected checks on a continuous basis!

-I am rich man/woman!

-I am rich in consciousness and rich in dollars!

-I am comfortable with the idea of having millions of dollars!

-I am the master of money!

-Money serves me!

-I can make as much money as I want!

-I am so happy and grateful for the money I have now!

-My finances are improving everyday!

-My bank account is increasing everyday!

-I am relaxed and ready for money!

-I am financially independent!

-I take care of my money and money takes care of me!

-I have a millionaire mind!

-I demand riches!

-I know how to make money!

-Making money is easy!

-Money is magnetized to me!

-Good things happen when I am in possession of money!

-The universe trusts me with money!

-I attract riches!

-I feel good about money at all times!

-I do what I love and the money follows!

-I am a happy, healthy, wealthy, man/woman!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How to Get Exactly What You Want

What Do You Really Want?

What do you really want right now? How do you get it? I’ve got a way for you. Get yourself a flashcard. This is called a goal card. You’re going to write down what you want on that goal card in the present tense, in the form of gratitude, with the date by when your going to have your goal completed on the top.
It would look something like this. For example; By January 1st, 2013. I am so happy and grateful now that I have $50,000.00 in my bank account! Or whatever goal you have in mind. The reason to have it in the present tense is because the subconscious mind only knows the present. The reason to have it in the form of gratitude is the because the more grateful you are to have something, the more you’re going to receive.
Now what you’re going to do with this goal card, is you’re going to read that goal card as often as possible throughout the day. Plant whatever goal it is you have in your mind, and begin to entertain and nurture it. Carry the card with you wherever you go. Read it while it’s a commercial watching TV. Read it at the stop light. Read it on the toilet. Whenever you have a chance to look and read that card, do it!
Bob Proctor, star of the Law of Attraction movie The Secret did this technique to get himself out of debt. He was working in a fire hall making $4,000 a year when he owed $6,000. His mentor came to him and gave him the book Think and Grow Rich. He told him that there was a secret in this book. If he could find the secret, he could literally have whatever he wanted. The Secret was this goal card technique. He put down that he wanted $25,000.00 by news year day of 1971. It was 1961. Well he started reading the card, and the guys at the fire hall took it from him and they all started laughing at him saying "Hey, listen to this! Proctor's going to be rich!" Well Bob didn't quit because of this. He kept reading it as often as he could. Do you know what happened? A year later, he was making $175,000.00 a year just cleaning offices! Shortly after that, he was making a million a year! Today, he does seminars all over the world making millions! Before this goal card, all he could think about was debt. But as soon as he started reading off his goal card of how much he wanted, he started thinking of how to earn money instead. An amazing story isn't it?
On the back of the card, you’re going to put tally marks for each day you complete reading your card as often as possible. This way, you see your progress develop right in front of your eyes. Remember, this is going to take time and remember to keep entertaining that card. If you water your plant, it’ll grow. If you don’t water your plant, it’ll start dying. See where you are in 30 days. Then do it for another 30 days. And then another. You’re going to be amazed of the results you’re going to get.
In order to further your understanding, listen to Earl Nightengale’s The Strangest Secret. This audio will crystalize it for you. Bob Proctor also listened to this audio on a continuous basis while doing the goal card technique.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Why Isn't The Secret (Law of Attraction) Working?

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-The reason you're not attracting what you want is because of the way you've been programmed. It's also known as paradigms. A multitude of habits that you've gathered from Parents, Teachers, TV, Radio, Movies growing up. 

-From the time you were born to around 5-7 years old, your subconscious mind is wide open? You're subconscious has no ability to 
reject, it can only accept.

-Whatever beliefs are in your subconscious mind is what you're magnetizing to yourself.

-Reprogramming all of your beliefs and habits takes time. Know this though, you can change you're programming and be connected to entirely different world that you'll absolutely love.

-Start planting beliefs in your subconscious mind that WORKS FOR YOU.