Monday, February 18, 2013

Law of Receiving

When you hear The Law of Receiving, you’re probably thinking that you’re going to get something. Well, there’s a twist to this law. In order to receive, you have to give first. In Bob Proctor’s manifestation video course series, he states that “The attitude of getting, is the law of life in a congested state or a repressed action. As long as getting dominates our mind, that mind is in a paralyzed condition being limited in it’s action in accordance with the fundamental law of creation.” Most people believe that they have to get before they can give. They don’t think they have anything to give. But they do have something to give. People have money, time, energy, and support to give, and more. You must give whatever you’ve got. If there’s a tip jar at a fast food restaurant, or a donation can at the market, give whatever you have. If you have a penny, put a penny in. 

If you’re familiar with tithing, then you understand whatever you give you receive back tenfold. This whole universe is based on the Law of Circulation. Everything in the Universe is continuously circulating. What you give to someone, you will get back from a different source. There’s no need to worry about getting back from that person that you gave too. It works along with the Law of Cause and Effect. The universe literally mirrors back to you, what you just did for that person. In Raymond Holliwell’s book, Working With The Law, he states that “When we relax from strain, the law has a chance to reply to our desires.” Have you ever focused so intensely on something and then after a while you decided to give up on it and once you gave up, that thing that you desired suddenly showed up? That thing showed up because when you gave up you relaxed from strain. Therefore, the Law of Receiving responded to your desires, just not necessarily when they were all you thought of. 

I remember when I first heard about tithing, I was very motivated and excited to try it out. I was struggling with my finances and my work hours were reduced significantly. I had a jar full coins that I had cashed in at the coin star at the market and the total came to $17.51. Then the options came up to whether I wanted to take the money or donate to a charity. As I was about to take the money, I suddenly remembered tithing. Then I stopped for a moment and thought about that. This was money that I really needed, but it was also an opportunity to test out tithing. In a disciplined state of mind, I chose to donate to the Children’s Hospital instead. I needed that money, but at the same time a good feeling came over me. I had a feeling of fulfillment from that donation that I had made. The very next day, my dad came home from a business trip to Florida and he approached me with a $150.00 gift card for Nike shoes he had gotten from a raffle he had won. This blew my mind because I was in need of some new training shoes and I was going to start saving with that $17.51. Looks like through tithing, I got what I wanted faster and was thrilled with the results.

Another time came when I found out you could make donations online. I was planning to buy a supplement for myself that was around $60.00. Just before work that day, I had made a donation to the children’s hospital for $20.00 to the greatest need. I gave my donation with the thought that it was a gift from me and that I was sharing my abundance. As soon as I made my donation, I put my focus elsewhere, not worrying about what I was going to receive. I expected to get the good back, so I was not worried about what I was going to get back. Later that day at work, that supplement I was planning to buy showed up for free. After that time, I chose to make tithing a habit. 
With the Law of Receiving, you have to make room for what you desire. If you hold on to something, you’re only going to find it slipping away from you and you’re going to waste energy holding onto it. I remember whenever I made money no matter how much, I would hold onto it tightly. This resulted in parking tickets, a bigger cell phone bill, and car accidents with costly repairs. So it is important that you give whatever you’ve got, so you can get better than what you had. Now that you understand this Law of Receiving, use it to your advantage. Start by giving little so you can receive more. Then once you have more, start giving a little more so you can receive  even more. Once you make this habit, prosperity and abundance are sure to be on it’s way to you!

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