What Do You Really Want?
What do you really want right now? How do you get it? I’ve got a way for you. Get yourself a flashcard. This is called a goal card. You’re going to write down what you want on that goal card in the present tense, in the form of gratitude, with the date by when your going to have your goal completed on the top.
It would look something like this. For example; By January 1st, 2013. I am so happy and grateful now that I have $50,000.00 in my bank account! Or whatever goal you have in mind. The reason to have it in the present tense is because the subconscious mind only knows the present. The reason to have it in the form of gratitude is the because the more grateful you are to have something, the more you’re going to receive.
Now what you’re going to do with this goal card, is you’re going to read that goal card as often as possible throughout the day. Plant whatever goal it is you have in your mind, and begin to entertain and nurture it. Carry the card with you wherever you go. Read it while it’s a commercial watching TV. Read it at the stop light. Read it on the toilet. Whenever you have a chance to look and read that card, do it!
Bob Proctor, star of the Law of Attraction movie The Secret did this technique to get himself out of debt. He was working in a fire hall making $4,000 a year when he owed $6,000. His mentor came to him and gave him the book Think and Grow Rich. He told him that there was a secret in this book. If he could find the secret, he could literally have whatever he wanted. The Secret was this goal card technique. He put down that he wanted $25,000.00 by news year day of 1971. It was 1961. Well he started reading the card, and the guys at the fire hall took it from him and they all started laughing at him saying "Hey, listen to this! Proctor's going to be rich!" Well Bob didn't quit because of this. He kept reading it as often as he could. Do you know what happened? A year later, he was making $175,000.00 a year just cleaning offices! Shortly after that, he was making a million a year! Today, he does seminars all over the world making millions! Before this goal card, all he could think about was debt. But as soon as he started reading off his goal card of how much he wanted, he started thinking of how to earn money instead. An amazing story isn't it?
On the back of the card, you’re going to put tally marks for each day you complete reading your card as often as possible. This way, you see your progress develop right in front of your eyes. Remember, this is going to take time and remember to keep entertaining that card. If you water your plant, it’ll grow. If you don’t water your plant, it’ll start dying. See where you are in 30 days. Then do it for another 30 days. And then another. You’re going to be amazed of the results you’re going to get.
In order to further your understanding, listen to Earl Nightengale’s The Strangest Secret. This audio will crystalize it for you. Bob Proctor also listened to this audio on a continuous basis while doing the goal card technique.
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