Friday, March 15, 2013

Well How Are You Going To Do That?

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When going after what you want, I bet you hear this all the time. "Well how are you going to do that?" and it's said in a very negative tone of voice. You don't have a response and then you're told "See, I told you so. You can't. So quit day dreaming." The irony of this is that it's actually the best question you can ask yourself when achieving your goals. It's just when we present our goals to others, we usually get that question HOW in a negative tone of voice. It discourages us, we apologize for even thinking of such a thing, and then we go back to "reality." Well I'm here to ENCOURAGE you. 

So HOW are you going to achieve your goal? You tell me your goal, (I find it very interesting and nod my head smiling at you), and I say to you "Wow that's a great idea! Let's think about it. HOW are you going to do it? (Said in a positive tone so you can get to work). If you don't have any ideas right now IT'S OK. Begin at once. Plant that seed in your mind and water it daily. Take care of that seed and nourish it, you're going to see it start to grow at once. 

One of the best things to do, is to write it out on paper. Ever hear the saying "Geniuses think on paper." It's true. Writing out what you want on paper gets you focused on how you're going to do it. So write out what you want on a piece of paper, I want ________ by _date when completed_, and then start asking yourself HOW  you're going to do it. Also, put tally marks of days that you've worked on your goal so you can see your progress. Remember, HOW is actually the best thing you can ask yourself.

I remember reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, and how when money got brought up at the Poor Dad's dinner table, the conversation would get stopped immediately. But when money was brought up at the Rich Dad's dinner table, it was encouraged and they would start talking about HOW it can be done. See the difference here? Not talking about HOW to get money is why the poor dad is poor, and talking about HOW to get money is why the Rich Dad is rich! 

You see, when you ask yourself HOW, Your brain gets put to work. If it's day 1 of trying to achieve your goal, it's going to be a struggle. But then day 2 goes and it gets easier. Day 3 goes by and it's easier. By day 30, the goal, thinking about it, and applying your actions of  HOW you're going to get it is all you're going to be thinking about. When you don't even bother to ask yourself HOW you're going to do something, you're either going to stay stagnant or move backwards. As Bob Proctor says, it's create or disintegrate. Focus on Creating something great and HOW you're going to do it! If anybody discourages, come back to this blog for encouragement. YOU CAN DO IT! Right down HOW on a flashcard and look at it often. You're going to fall in love with the word HOW. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Law of Attraction Coach on Facebook

Your Law of Attraction Coach is on Facebook! Like Your Law of Attraction Coach and get helpful tips and ideas that will help you move forward with your life. Go now! You've attracted this. Happiness and abundance is on it's way to you!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What You're Really Asking For When You Think of What You Don't (Do) Want

The Law of Attraction isn't biased to wants or don't wants. So that's why it's important to not only monitor your thoughts, but also what you say to yourself.

I don't want to be late- I want to be late.

I don't want to be fat- I want to be fat. 

I don't want to get an F on this test- I want to get an F on this test.

I don't want to break up with my boyfriend/girlfriend- I want to break up with my boyfriend/girlfriend.

I don't want to go into work on the weekend- I want to go into work on the weekend. 

I don't want girls/boys to think I'm ugly- I want girls/boys to think I'm ugly.

I don't want to be in debt- I want to be in debt and I want more of it. 

I don't want to be alone this weekend- I want to be alone this weekend. 

I think you get the idea. Now forget that I wrote this and REALLY focus on this next part.

I want to get an A on this Test.

I want to be healthy and whole. 

I want to double my income this year!

I am confident and I love my body.

I want to relax this weekend. 

I want to stay together with my Boyfriend/Girlfriend. 

I want to be early or on time. 

I want to hang out with my friends this weekend and do fun and exciting things!

If what you want didn't happen, it could be the Law of Sacrifice playing it's role, replacing something good for something better. Now apply this to your life!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Relationship Affirmations

I am so happy and grateful now that..

-I love being me!

-I attract loving and harmonious relationships.

-I am easily able to communicate, connect, and make friends with people.

-I attract great people on a continuous basis. 

-People are subconsciously drawn to me. 

-I attract exciting, interesting, loving, people. 

-I am respected and appreciated. 

-I have a radiating and magnetizing personality.

-People love my company!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Money Affirmations

I am so happy and grateful now that...

-I am a money magnet!

-Money comes easily and frequently to me!

-I am worth billions! 

-I have more than enough money!

-Money comes to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources on a continuous basis!

-Money loves me! 

-I receive unexpected checks on a continuous basis!

-I am rich man/woman!

-I am rich in consciousness and rich in dollars!

-I am comfortable with the idea of having millions of dollars!

-I am the master of money!

-Money serves me!

-I can make as much money as I want!

-I am so happy and grateful for the money I have now!

-My finances are improving everyday!

-My bank account is increasing everyday!

-I am relaxed and ready for money!

-I am financially independent!

-I take care of my money and money takes care of me!

-I have a millionaire mind!

-I demand riches!

-I know how to make money!

-Making money is easy!

-Money is magnetized to me!

-Good things happen when I am in possession of money!

-The universe trusts me with money!

-I attract riches!

-I feel good about money at all times!

-I do what I love and the money follows!

-I am a happy, healthy, wealthy, man/woman!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How to Get Exactly What You Want

What Do You Really Want?

What do you really want right now? How do you get it? I’ve got a way for you. Get yourself a flashcard. This is called a goal card. You’re going to write down what you want on that goal card in the present tense, in the form of gratitude, with the date by when your going to have your goal completed on the top.
It would look something like this. For example; By January 1st, 2013. I am so happy and grateful now that I have $50,000.00 in my bank account! Or whatever goal you have in mind. The reason to have it in the present tense is because the subconscious mind only knows the present. The reason to have it in the form of gratitude is the because the more grateful you are to have something, the more you’re going to receive.
Now what you’re going to do with this goal card, is you’re going to read that goal card as often as possible throughout the day. Plant whatever goal it is you have in your mind, and begin to entertain and nurture it. Carry the card with you wherever you go. Read it while it’s a commercial watching TV. Read it at the stop light. Read it on the toilet. Whenever you have a chance to look and read that card, do it!
Bob Proctor, star of the Law of Attraction movie The Secret did this technique to get himself out of debt. He was working in a fire hall making $4,000 a year when he owed $6,000. His mentor came to him and gave him the book Think and Grow Rich. He told him that there was a secret in this book. If he could find the secret, he could literally have whatever he wanted. The Secret was this goal card technique. He put down that he wanted $25,000.00 by news year day of 1971. It was 1961. Well he started reading the card, and the guys at the fire hall took it from him and they all started laughing at him saying "Hey, listen to this! Proctor's going to be rich!" Well Bob didn't quit because of this. He kept reading it as often as he could. Do you know what happened? A year later, he was making $175,000.00 a year just cleaning offices! Shortly after that, he was making a million a year! Today, he does seminars all over the world making millions! Before this goal card, all he could think about was debt. But as soon as he started reading off his goal card of how much he wanted, he started thinking of how to earn money instead. An amazing story isn't it?
On the back of the card, you’re going to put tally marks for each day you complete reading your card as often as possible. This way, you see your progress develop right in front of your eyes. Remember, this is going to take time and remember to keep entertaining that card. If you water your plant, it’ll grow. If you don’t water your plant, it’ll start dying. See where you are in 30 days. Then do it for another 30 days. And then another. You’re going to be amazed of the results you’re going to get.
In order to further your understanding, listen to Earl Nightengale’s The Strangest Secret. This audio will crystalize it for you. Bob Proctor also listened to this audio on a continuous basis while doing the goal card technique.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Why Isn't The Secret (Law of Attraction) Working?

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-The reason you're not attracting what you want is because of the way you've been programmed. It's also known as paradigms. A multitude of habits that you've gathered from Parents, Teachers, TV, Radio, Movies growing up. 

-From the time you were born to around 5-7 years old, your subconscious mind is wide open? You're subconscious has no ability to 
reject, it can only accept.

-Whatever beliefs are in your subconscious mind is what you're magnetizing to yourself.

-Reprogramming all of your beliefs and habits takes time. Know this though, you can change you're programming and be connected to entirely different world that you'll absolutely love.

-Start planting beliefs in your subconscious mind that WORKS FOR YOU.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why Isn't The Secret (Law of Attraction) Working?

This is a problem that comes up VERY often. So you know about the law of attraction. You’re thinking about what you want, You’re getting into all the material about it, You’re studying, you’re developing yourself, you’re making it clear to the universe exactly what you want out of life, but nothings happening. Why is that? Well, I have a good news for you. You’re not the first one, and you’ll certainly not be the last. I have the answer to this problem. The answer is programming.
Bob Proctor calls it paradigms. It’s a multitude of habits that you’ve gathered growing up. It’s what you’ve been programmed with. You’ve been programmed with certain beliefs from authority figures like your parents, what you see on TV, what you hear on the radio, what your teachers have been teaching you in school, etc. Go back to when you were a baby.
Did you know that from the time you were born to around 5-7 years old, your subconscious mind is wide open? Are you aware of what the subconscious mind does? I’ll tell you this. It has no ability to reject anything. It can only accept. A baby is in a room and the parents are talking, it’s being programmed to how a relationship should be. A baby hears the Mom and Dad’s beliefs about money, it's being raised to believe the same thing.
Are you having financial issues? What are you’re beliefs about money? Are you having trouble getting a relationship that you want? What are you’re beliefs about the opposite sex? Are you having health issues? What we’re you told to believe about your body? If you have negative beliefs about these things (and most people do), it’s what has been planted in your subconscious mind and your subconscious is magnetizing it to you!
So now what? Can we change our old programming? I’ve got good news for you. Yes you can! How can we reprogram our old beliefs? It’s through repetition. Start adopting new beliefs about things you’re having a difficult time with. Start thinking of more positive ways to think and then adapt yourself to live that way through your actions. Not only think in a new way, but take different actions that's in harmony with your new positive beliefs. Now once you’ve planted these new seeds in your mind, understand that they’re not going to grow over night. This is another problem people run into. Understand that this process takes time. A plant doesn’t grow over night. A baby takes 9 months to be born. It’s the same thing with this.
So plant what you want in your mind right now. Entertain those thoughts often and the thoughts of how to get those things and what actions to take will come to you. Pretty soon, you’re going to be connected with an entirely different world that you’ll absolutely love!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Auto-Suggestion Summary

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-Auto Suggestion are words, thoughts, and beliefs that we suggest to ourselves and automatically get fixed into our subconscious 

-Auto Suggestion plays a huge role in reprogramming the subconscious mind. 

-“No thought, whether it be negative or positive, can enter the subconscious mind without the aid of the principle of auto-

-When using auto suggestion, persistence is the price that you must pay.

-It can be used with your financial situations, relationships, health, and your beliefs in life.

-What you say to yourself most, think about most, believe in most, and what you apply most will show up in your life.

Monday, February 25, 2013


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Magnetize Yourself With the Things You Want

Auto Suggestion might be the thing you need to change your life permanently for the best. Auto Suggestion, also known as self suggestion, is quite a phenomenal and powerful process. They’re words, thoughts, and beliefs that we suggest to ourselves and automatically get fixed into our subconscious minds. They come to you easily as an automatic response to certain stimuli. Basically, they determine whether or not you will succeed in reaching your goals.
Before we get further into auto-suggestion, here are some things to know about the subconscious mind as it plays a vital role in the process of auto suggestion. It’s also known as the emotional mind. It gets its information through your 5 senses (See, Smell, hear, taste, touch). Your conscious mind does to, but remember, the subconscious is the emotional mind. It doesn’t have the ability to reject something, it can only accept. It doesn’t know the past or the future, it only knows the present. It responds to repetition.
Overall, what you say to yourself most, think about most, believe in most, and what you apply most will show up in your life. When you feel the emotions of these things, they get fixed into the subconscious mind. Napoleon Hill says so in his book “Think and Grow Rich” on his chapter on Auto Suggestion. He says “No thought, whether it be negative or positive, can enter the subconscious mind without the aid of the principle of auto-suggestion.”
When using auto-suggestion, it’s important to have the Law of Gender in mind as well. The Law of Gender states that everything has an incubation period. In other words, everything takes time to grow. A baby has 9 months until it is born. Plants take about 90 days to fully grow. It’s the same thing when you plant an idea or a desire in your mind. It’s not going to just show up over night and it’s not going to grow when you don’t nurture it. The mother needs to eat food for the baby to grow. Plants need water and sunlight to grow and blossom. Your thoughts and ideas need to be entertained.
For instance, let’s say you want $50,000.00 this year. You write out the date when you will have the money, and then you entertain the thought that it’s already in your possession. Through the repetition of that thought, you will attract ideas on how to get the money. The ideas must be nurtured as well through taking action. This way, these habits become fixed into your subconscious, and they become a habit, making it more likely that the outcome will be that you will have $50,000.00 by the date that was written down. When using auto suggestion, persistence is the price that you must pay.
Auto suggestion can be used in all areas of your life. It can be used with your financial situations, relationships, health, and your beliefs in life. So what’re you waiting? Start applying this to your life now and be on your way to abundance and prosperity!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Law of Obedience Summary

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-The Law of Thinking, Supply,  Attraction, Receiving,  Increase, Compensation, Non-Resistance, Forgiveness, and Sacrifice, are all the materials you need to build the life you want.

-They are also known as the Laws of Nature (or the Laws of the Universe) 

-Now that you are aware of the laws, it’s you’re job to apply and obey them.

The moment you implement the Laws of Nature, you’re guaranteed to be met with much resistance.

-Being met with resistance is a good thing, because it can bring about necessary change. 

Obey the laws, and you’ll be in harmony with yourself and the universe. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Law of Obedience

All of the previous laws I have mentioned, The Law of Thinking, Supply,  Attraction, Receiving,  Increase, Compensation, Non-Resistance, Forgiveness, and Sacrifice, are all the materials you need to build the life you want. Raymond Holliwell collectively calls these the Laws of Nature (or the Laws of the Universe) and tells what happens when you’re ignorant of the laws. “A giant machine without it’s governor would tear itself apart. Would be utterly destroyed because it failed to obey it’s own laws of momentum or gravity. An intellectual giant that fails to comply with the laws...will become as an idiot.” All you have to do is obey the law of the universe. Obey the laws and the universe will be more than friendly towards you. Disobey them and you will find that life is as many people say, “out to get you.”

I think you would agree that many people are obedient to society. We’re programmed to listen to what society tells us. Society, however, is surrounded by limitation. You hear things like “life isn’t fair.” They also say, having a degree is the only way to succeed. In order to be cool, you have to have the latest, hippest, and most expensive fashion there is. If you want to attract women, you gotta have money, big muscles, drive a nice car etc. If you want to be a man, you have to get big. If you want to earn money, you have to go to have a high-paying job. In order to be an educated person, you have to memorize the school text. Letting society think for us is probably one of the most lethal drugs in the world. When we’re growing up, we get influenced by our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, teachers, etc. It’s not their fault. Not everything they teach us is wrong, but not everything they teach us is right either. You just have to appreciate that they did what they did with the positive intention of helping you. 

Now that you are aware of the laws, it’s you’re job to apply and obey them. The moment you start to use them, be ready for changes to occur. Some people will love the changes that you’ve made for yourself. Some people will absolutely hate them. Take my word for it. I’ve been applying these laws for almost a year now, and I’m learning who really matters in my life. I’ve lost good friends, but I’ve also gained better ones in the process as well. Those “good friends” revealed who they really were. In fact, the moment they revealed who they were, I stopped considering them my friends. 

When you start to learn these laws, it’s very exciting. You want to tell as many people as possible about them. You want to help out your family, friends, co-workers, and anyone else who’s struggling or wants to improve their lives. You’ll get the fulfillment of helping people by informing them and getting them to obey with the laws of nature. However, there are going to be people who are going to turn down your help. It’s important that you don’t force your help on them. If you’ve offered to help and they turn it down, you’ve done what you could for them. You can’t help them if they reject your help. It’s as simple as that. Don’t waste time on it and just move on. The moment you implement the Laws of Nature, you’re guaranteed to be met with much resistance. Remember, though, not to resist the resistance. Being met with resistance is a good thing, because it can bring about necessary change. People are creatures of habit and for most people, change is very threatening and uncomfortable to them, but resistance can force you to deal with it.

Obey the laws. Think pure thoughts. Know that the universe has an infinite source of supply. Know what you want and attract it into your life. Be giving in order to receive that which you desire. Be grateful for everything that you have now so you can get more out of life. Sow something great so you can reap. Welcome the resistance when it is thrown at you. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made and forgive those that have wronged and hurt you. Sacrifice something of a lower nature in your life so that you may receive something of a higher nature. Do all of these things, and you’ll be in harmony with yourself and the universe. 

Law of Receiving Summary

-In order to receive, you have to give first.

-“The attitude of getting, is the law of life in a congested state or a repressed action. As long as getting dominates our mind, that mind is in a paralyzed condition being limited in it’s action in accordance with the fundamental law of creation.”

-People have money, time, energy, and support to give, and more. You must give whatever you’ve got. 

-“When we relax from strain, the law has a chance to reply to our desires.” 

-With the Law of Receiving, you have to make room for what you desire.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Law of Receiving

When you hear The Law of Receiving, you’re probably thinking that you’re going to get something. Well, there’s a twist to this law. In order to receive, you have to give first. In Bob Proctor’s manifestation video course series, he states that “The attitude of getting, is the law of life in a congested state or a repressed action. As long as getting dominates our mind, that mind is in a paralyzed condition being limited in it’s action in accordance with the fundamental law of creation.” Most people believe that they have to get before they can give. They don’t think they have anything to give. But they do have something to give. People have money, time, energy, and support to give, and more. You must give whatever you’ve got. If there’s a tip jar at a fast food restaurant, or a donation can at the market, give whatever you have. If you have a penny, put a penny in. 

If you’re familiar with tithing, then you understand whatever you give you receive back tenfold. This whole universe is based on the Law of Circulation. Everything in the Universe is continuously circulating. What you give to someone, you will get back from a different source. There’s no need to worry about getting back from that person that you gave too. It works along with the Law of Cause and Effect. The universe literally mirrors back to you, what you just did for that person. In Raymond Holliwell’s book, Working With The Law, he states that “When we relax from strain, the law has a chance to reply to our desires.” Have you ever focused so intensely on something and then after a while you decided to give up on it and once you gave up, that thing that you desired suddenly showed up? That thing showed up because when you gave up you relaxed from strain. Therefore, the Law of Receiving responded to your desires, just not necessarily when they were all you thought of. 

I remember when I first heard about tithing, I was very motivated and excited to try it out. I was struggling with my finances and my work hours were reduced significantly. I had a jar full coins that I had cashed in at the coin star at the market and the total came to $17.51. Then the options came up to whether I wanted to take the money or donate to a charity. As I was about to take the money, I suddenly remembered tithing. Then I stopped for a moment and thought about that. This was money that I really needed, but it was also an opportunity to test out tithing. In a disciplined state of mind, I chose to donate to the Children’s Hospital instead. I needed that money, but at the same time a good feeling came over me. I had a feeling of fulfillment from that donation that I had made. The very next day, my dad came home from a business trip to Florida and he approached me with a $150.00 gift card for Nike shoes he had gotten from a raffle he had won. This blew my mind because I was in need of some new training shoes and I was going to start saving with that $17.51. Looks like through tithing, I got what I wanted faster and was thrilled with the results.

Another time came when I found out you could make donations online. I was planning to buy a supplement for myself that was around $60.00. Just before work that day, I had made a donation to the children’s hospital for $20.00 to the greatest need. I gave my donation with the thought that it was a gift from me and that I was sharing my abundance. As soon as I made my donation, I put my focus elsewhere, not worrying about what I was going to receive. I expected to get the good back, so I was not worried about what I was going to get back. Later that day at work, that supplement I was planning to buy showed up for free. After that time, I chose to make tithing a habit. 
With the Law of Receiving, you have to make room for what you desire. If you hold on to something, you’re only going to find it slipping away from you and you’re going to waste energy holding onto it. I remember whenever I made money no matter how much, I would hold onto it tightly. This resulted in parking tickets, a bigger cell phone bill, and car accidents with costly repairs. So it is important that you give whatever you’ve got, so you can get better than what you had. Now that you understand this Law of Receiving, use it to your advantage. Start by giving little so you can receive more. Then once you have more, start giving a little more so you can receive  even more. Once you make this habit, prosperity and abundance are sure to be on it’s way to you!

Law of Thinking Summary

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Thinking is the most powerful thing a human 
being is capable of.

The mind is the most powerful force in the world!

Our thoughts travel at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Your thought travels 930,000 times faster than the sound of your voice. 

The thoughts that you think and turn over to your emotional mind INSTANTLY by law control the vibratory rate of your body.


“All men have become what they are because of their DOMINATING THOUGHTS AND DESIRES.” 

“Whether you think you can or can’t you’re right." Choose to think that you can!

Law of Thinking

Did you know that thinking is the most powerful thing a human being is capable of? It’s true. Your thought frequency is a form of energy. Your thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space. It has been said that the mind is the most powerful force in the world! According to Raymond Holliwell, author of the book Working With the Law,“Thought is a subtle element. Although it is invisible to the physical sight, it is an actual force of substance, as real as electricity, heat, water, or even stone. We are surrounded by a vast ocean of thought through which our thoughts pass like currents of electricity.” This means that any kind of thought is 100% present to tap into where ever you go.
What’s even more amazing about the law of thinking is that scientists have discovered that our thoughts travel at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. That means that your thought travels 930,000 times faster than the sound of your voice. Since the world is much less than 186,000 miles, this means that your thoughts can flash all around the world numerous times in less than one second. Our thoughts are power, and power will always produce effect. Scientists have proven that there is no other force or power known to be as great or fast.
To the average person, life is one big mystery. The thing is, our lack of understanding of life is what creates the mystery of life. It causes us to feel fear. The thoughts and emotions of fear lower the vibratory rate of your body. This ends up attracting people who are also fearful into your life. It is so crucial to think pure thoughts. In Bob Proctor’s Manifestation video series, when he talks about the law of thinking, he states that “The thoughts that you think and turn over to your emotional mind INSTANTLY by law control the vibratory rate of your body.” Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich says that “THOUGHTS WHICH ARE MIXED WITH ANY OF THE FEELINGS OF EMOTIONS, CONSTITUTE A ‘MAGNETIC’ FORCE WHICH ATTRACTS, FROM THE VIBRATIONS OF THE ETHER, OTHER SIMILAR, OR RELATED THOUGHTS.” In view of these statements, doesn’t make more sense to know why you need to think positive thoughts? The human body is magnetic energy. Notice the word magnetic. Think about it. What you think about you’re attracting into your life just like a magnet!
If you have ever watched “The Secret”, the movie about the Law of Attraction, it is mentioned in the movie that a thought has a frequency. Not just one thought, every thought that you have has a frequency and it goes out into the universe. You attract what you’re thinking about most of the time. If you have ever read Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill says that “All men have become what they are because of their DOMINATING THOUGHTS AND DESIRES.” My question for you is this: what are your dominating thoughts and desires?
Now that you understand this Law of Thinking, how is your life right now? Are things shaky? Are you currently going through a break-up with a girlfriend/boyfriend? Did you just lose your job? Did good friends turn their back on you? If anything like this is happening right now, an average person is probably thinking “My life is over”,“He/she was all I had”, or “they we’re the only friends I had.” But now that you know this phenomenal law, why in the world would you think that? There’s so much more to life than that. Why not think that a better job is coming towards you instead? Why not think that a better relationship is in the process of coming to you? Why not think that better and more supportive friends are coming? Doesn’t this sound like a much better idea?
I remember when I was younger having these thoughts when such events would occur. It was devastating. But then as time would go by and I let those thoughts go, better friends came to me, better women, and better opportunities would show up! My guess would be that I subconsciously thought that I wanted things like friends and women to get better, but they would end up getting worse instead. What this process is, is a blessing in disguise. I was thinking I want BETTER. The universe responded by making room for the better that I desired by causing me to let go of the people and situations I now saw as “worse”. Before I knew it, better friends and better women were in my life!
So as you see here, life is all about how you think! Are you in a negative mind frequency right now? Well, I’ve got good news for you. All you have to do is change your mind frequency. Fill yourself up with positive, pure thoughts and see your life changing for the better!. “Whether you think you can or can’t you’re right,” Henry Ford once said. Hint: choose to think that you can!