Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Law of Compensation Summary

Image from http://www.uhd.edu/about/hr/compensation.html

-The Law of Compensation is the law of laws.

-What you put time and effort into is going to result in you getting something back from the universe.

-“The amount of money or good you receive in life is going to be in direct ratio with these three things:

  1. 1. The need for what you do.
  2. 2. Your ability to do it.
  3. 3. The difficulty there will be in replacing you.”
-“Every act rewards itself.”

-“As you sow, so shall you reap” is the saying of this law. What you currently have in your life is a result of your past actions.

-You must do what you love to do and be willing to go the extra mile. You’ll be so glad that you did.

-Whatever you put time and energy into something that matters to you, you’re going to receive something positive back. 

-Remember, there is no such thing as something for nothing. 

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