Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Law of Non-Resistance Summary

-Whatever you resist persists.

-90% of people violate this law.

-Resisting what you don’t want is actually creating more of 
what you don’t want.

-Resistance is a sign that you’re moving in the right direction.

-Respond instead of react. Reacting is a habit. With responding, you think before you act.  

Monday, January 28, 2013

Law of Non-Resistance

Whatever you resist persists. The Law of Nonresistance is a law that most of the world violates and must understand. I personally call it the law of Ignoring. I’d say about 90% of people violate this law. At the same time though, it’s not really our fault. Most of us were programmed to resist. It’s hard-wired into our brains. People resist whenever they see or hear something that they don’t want. What they don’t know is that resisting what they don’t want is actually creating more of what they don’t want. Whatever you put energy into grows over time. Resistance is a form of energy and it’s probably the reason most people end up where they don’t want to be.
Arguing is something that many of us do. It is a very strong form of resistance and it uses up a tremendous amount of energy. A wise thing to do in an argument is to respond. People have a tendency to react in an argument. The difference is reacting is a habit. Responding requires time to think before you continue. When Michelangelo had finished sculpting David, he was met with resistance. Piero Soderini, Florence’s mayor at the time, had told Michelangelo that the statue’s nose was too big. Michelangelo did not argue. Michelangelo invited the mayor to climb a scaffolding, allowing him to look at the nose from a different point of view, while the artist chiseled a bit, acting like he was correcting the size of the nose. The mayor was convinced the nose looked much better. Michelangelo succeeded in making Soderini think his comment had helped improve the work. He won by responding through actions rather than words.This way, nobody lost and a point was proven in an effective and nonresistant way.
Resisting is a bad habit that we need to stop; however, it can help you to better understand how you respond to challenges. Challenges are something that we are very resistant to. Instead of resisting a challenge, we should learn to welcome it. Ironically, resistance is a sign that you’re moving in the right direction. When people see you’re moving ahead in life and thinking outside of the box, they can be fearful of change and throw a lot of resistance at you. However, it is your job to make sure that you don’t resist the resistance. As the saying goes, “Whatever you resist, persists.” When your met with resistance, just let it go. Ignore it, because when you ignore it you don’t put any energy into it. What you put energy into grows over time. Learn to go with the flow of things and accept it. It’s important to stay flexible in life. Amazingly, it’s when you’re not met with resistance that you’re not on the right track.
There are many resistant groups in the world today. There are groups like antiabortion, antiwar, anti-politician, etc. The thing is, these “anti” groups are making what they’re against more powerful. Antiabortion creates more abortion. Antiwar creates more war. Being against a politician makes that politician stronger. The more energy you put into something you dislike or hate, the stronger and more difficult it will be to remove it from your life. It would be much wiser to be pro-peace and pro-life. This way those groups would be more likely to get what they want instead of what they don’t want. But you don’t have to vote for a politician you don’t like. Just don’t waste your time directing negative energy towards him/her.
I remember when I used to play high school football, My team and I used to have to do some devestating drills, like up-downs, until the coach said the team was done; or we’d have to do sprinting drills until the entire team couldn’t run anymore. I was very resistant to the drills. I would say to myself that I was tired, I hated them, and I couldn’t wait until they were over. Well one day, I decided that it didn’t do much good to complain to myself about it. Then I just said to myself to go with the flow. To put it into a metaphor, I was in a river swimming against the current. The moment I turned around and went with the flow of the river, my attitude and results dramatically improved. I was more focused and I didn’t tire as easily. The coaches were pleased and took a liking to this adjustment.
Remember, whenever you’re met with resistance, just go with the flow. You’ll be in harmony with yourself. Life gives us gifts wrapped in problems. The bigger the problem, the bigger the gift.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Law of Sacrifice Summary

-What are you going to sacrifice?

-The Law of Sacrifice really is giving up something good to receive something better. 

-The biggest key to this law is discipline.

-Something always has to be sacrificed in order to get something else.

-“You cannot enjoy the satisfactions and pleasure of true friendship and indulge in a bad temper.”

-“An undisciplined life is an insane life.”

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Law of Sacrifice

When you hear the word sacrifice, people think it means giving up something that they really value for something that they don’t value. I’ve pulled up the word sacrifice from my macbook dictionary and it says “An act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.” The first one that came up was “An act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure.” Unfortunately, if you thought that’s what I was talking about, you’re on the wrong page. My apologies to the people that worship satan. But The Law of Sacrifice really is giving up something good to receive something better. This law is probably the most misunderstood law of all.

The biggest key to this law is discipline. Sacrifice requires a disciplined state of mind. Without discipline, sacrifice is useless. People hear the word sacrifice, and it scares them to death. There’s absolutely no reason for you to get scared of this. If sacrifice means that something is being traded in for something better, you should be thrilled. It’s just a lack of knowledge and understanding that makes people fearful. The worst aspect of this fear is that it spoils the whole outlook on sacrifice. Then again, most of us are programmed to think that sacrifice is bad. We couldn’t be more wrong--that is, unless we’re talking about slaughtering animals for a black mass. What people have to understand is, something always has to be sacrificed in order to get something else.

This law and The Law of Receiving are pretty similar. In both laws, you have to give up something in order to receive. Something for nothing does not exist in either of these laws. The Law of Sacrifice is giving up something good to receive something better. In the Law of Sacrifice, there is no such thing as holding onto something good and receiving something better. So if you want to get in shape, you have to sacrifice the couch for going to the gym to workout. You can’t get in shape by sitting on the couch. If you want to be healthier, you have to sacrifice junk food for healthy food. You can’t eat junk food all the time and be healthy. If you want to get a promotion at work, you have to sacrifice happy hour for putting more time at your workplace. If you want to be a better person, you have to sacrifice your ego for your higher-self. 

A great example of The Law of Sacrifice being used in action was when Brett Favre, legendary Quarterback of the Green Bay Packers, chose to retire and then wanted to come back. Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay’s current Quarterback, was Favre’s back-up for three years. He was given the starting QB position when Favre decided to retire. Then Favre wanted to come back. Packers coach Mike McCarthy had to make a choice of who he wanted to have as his starting QB. Brett Favre, who is a veteran and who had been with Green Bay for 17 seasons, or Aaron Rodgers who had been Favre’s back up for 3 years. That’s when the decision was made to start Aaron Rodgers. As a result Favre went to the Jets first, and then ended up with rival Minnesota Vikings in 2009. The Vikings swept the Packers, but lost NFC Championship game to the Saints. In 2010, the Packers swept the Vikings and won Super Bowl XLV in Chatsworth, TX. The Packers’ sacrifice of Brett Favre was one of the biggest sacrifices the team ever had to make; but it helped them earn their 4th Super Bowl.

When using The Law of Sacrifice, you have to make sure you’re making worthy sacrifices. You don’t want to sacrifice something good for something bad. Raymond Holliwell has a great example on his chapter on sacrifice.“You cannot enjoy the satisfactions and pleasure of true friendship and indulge in a bad temper.” I’ve been on both sides of this, and I can assure you, you really can’t. All friends are going to have bad sides. You have to realize that those personality flaws have nothing to do with you. It’s not worth focusing your attention on it. Sacrifice paying attention to your friend’s bad side and focus on the good in them instead.  

So if you want to become the very best at something in life, it all starts with sacrifice and a disciplined state of mind. Raymond Holliwell again says it best. “An undisciplined life is an insane life.”

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Law of Supply Summary

-The universe offers us an infinite source of Supply. 

-All of the energy and knowledge that you want is 100% present right now where you are.

-Human beings were meant to be dissatisfied.

-We have infinite potential meaning we can be as great as we want to be. We can even be better than great. 

-There is no lack in the universe. There is only abundance.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Law of Supply

How would you feel, if you woke up this morning to find out that you’re worth $13.5 billion dollars? Mark Zuckerberg, founder of facebook, is currently worth this much today. What if you found out that you had an IQ of 210? Kim Ung-yong, the world’s smartest man, has this IQ. What if you found out that you’re the world’s greatest thinker of today? All of this sounds great doesn’t it? The thing is, $13.5 billion and an IQ of 210, is very small when comparing to what the universe has to offer. What does the universe have to offer us? An infinite source of Supply. 

Did you know that all of the energy and knowledge that you want is 100% present right now where you are? It doesn’t matter where you are. You could be on Mt. Everest or on a beach in Hawaii. Your source of supply is present everywhere. The Law of Conservation of energy states that “Nothing can be neither created or destroyed.” In Raymond Holliwell’s book Working With the Law, he states that “Man is never satisfied. But, God did not attend that man should be forever satisfied. The Law of his being is perpetual increase, progress, and growth. So when one good is realized, another desire for a greater good will develop, and when a higher state is reached, another and more glorious state will unfold his vision and urge him on and on.” 

Did you know that human beings were meant to be dissatisfied? It’s true. It’s because of dissatisfaction that keeps us going in life. If there was a destination in life and we reached that destination, we probably wouldn’t live for much longer. We have the internet. We have new brands of cars coming in every year. We can talk to somebody 5,000 miles away, face to face on a computer.  We have bigger and better things coming into our world everyday.

Notice how when people have a goal in mind,  other people try to discourage them from attaining it. Let’s say an NFL football team just won the Super Bowl. It’s the biggest prize in the NFL. People would say things like “Well they’ve won it all. What’s left for them?” Well, why not win another Super Bowl? I believe the reason why wide receiver Plaxico Burress shot himself was because he didn’t think there was anything left to play for in the NFL. What he didn’t realize was that the universe has an infinite source of supply, meaning he could’ve set a higher goal for himself to win another super bowl.

There are many people out there that are ignorant to this. Since they are, either they don’t do much for themselves or they reach a goal, and then they stop. Why? The universe has so much to offer us. We have infinite potential meaning we can be as great as we want to be. We can even be better than great. Joe Montana, former Quarterback of the 49ers, has four super bowl rings. Kobe Bryant has won 5 NBA championships. Just think of your favorite athlete or actor and think of how good they are. They are an example that you can be as good as you want to be. 

What we have to understand is that there is no lack in the universe. There is only abundance. There is more than enough for everybody. The only reason for lack existing is because people entertain lack thoughts.  What you put time and energy into grows over time. There is no such thing as fear, just a lack of confidence. There is no such thing as poverty, just a lack of wealth. There is no such thing as hatred, just a lack of love. If you have a low bank account, and your focused intensely on the “lack” that you have, it’s going to stay like that. You must believe that you will have more money, so that more money can come to you. Choose to entertain thoughts of Prosperity and abundance, be patient, and it will come to you. 

Let’s say you go to the market to buy coca-cola. You arrive and you find out that the market is out of coke. What happens? The stocker comes out with more coke, and re-stocks the empty shelves. What if the market is completely out of coca-cola? Then a delivery truck comes by the market to drop off more coke. Notice how this is a continuous process. This process has been happening for over 125 years now and coca cola is still in existence as of today. So the next time thoughts of “lack” are coming into your head, just think about a market and how when they run out of something, it gets re-stocked. This goes for everything. Now you never have to worry about not having enough in your life. 

The beauty of this law is that we don’t all want the same things. Not everyone wants to drive a Ferrari, wants to be an actor, wants the same love interests, wants to eat the same foods, etc. Everyone has different tastes in all areas of life. Now you know about the Law of Supply. Use it to your advantage. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Law of Increase Summary

-You can improve anything in your life through giving it praise.

-Be grateful for what you already have.

-When you’re grateful, you raise your rate of vibration and personal magnetism.

-What you put praise into grows over time. The more you praise the things you already have, the more you’re going to receive.

-Greater good is guaranteed to come to you if you go down this path with persistence.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Law of Increase

Do you want more out of life? Would you like to see more money in your bank account? Would you like more fulfilling friendships? Do you want to have more energy? How about better health? Well then, you’re reading the right page then. Did you know you can improve anything in your life through giving it  praise? It’s true. Things that are failing can be praised into success. Not only does this work with people, it works for everything. It works with plants, animals, relationships, money, health, etc. The thing is, you’re supposed to be wanting more out of your life. Do yourself a favor. Go get a clean sheet of paper and a pen, and write down everything that you want. Whether it be owning your own company, becoming a great actor, or becoming the very best in your field of work. What you have to understand is that you can have it! The universe is your infinite source of supply and you can have anything you desire in life. 

If you want to get more out of life, you have to be grateful for what you already have. This law is where the Law of Praise comes in. What you put praise into grows over time. The more you praise the things you already have, the more you’re going to receive. The problem is though that people do the complete opposite. They’re ungrateful for what they have. What that does is make those things worse. If you’re complaining that you don’t have much in your bank account, then you’re creating more of not having much in your bank account. The thing is complaining,  condemning, and criticizing is actually counterproductive because not only do you use your energy towards this, you’re also draining your energy too. Praising makes things grow. It creates energy and it encourages people to do better. So if you have $1.00 in your bank account, begin to praise it. Be grateful that you even have one to begin with because it is your account. It is up to you how much you want it to increase. 

Why is it so important to be grateful? When you’re grateful, you raise your rate of vibration and personal magnetism. Not only that, science has proven that having a grateful attitude can improve your health dramatically in much the same way antioxidants do. An effective way to incorporate more gratitude into your life is to have a gratitude journal and write down all of the things that you’re truly grateful for. The more grateful you are, the more you’re going to receive from the universe. An effective affirmation that I use is, “I praise________________ with all my heart.” The reason to praise with your heart is because your heart gives off a very high electromagnetic field. It has been scientifically proven, that the heart gives off an electromagnetic field 5,000 times greater than the mind. Don’t know where to start? Here’s a list of things to help you get started with your gratitude journal. Remember, you really have to be grateful and you have to feel it in order for things to manifest. 

  • A place to live.
  • A car to drive.
  • Your family.
  • Your friends.
  • Your life.
  • Your favorite foods.
  • Your favorite places.
  • Your favorite TV shows, movies, books.
  • Your pets.
  • Your heroes. 
  • Your health. 
  • Your money.
  • Your accomplishments. 

Always remember that if you want to increase anything in your life, you must begin to praise it. Whatever you have, be grateful for it. Greater good is guaranteed to come to you if you go down this path with persistence. Remember that the universe mirrors back to you what you have been putting forth.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Law of Forgiveness Summary

- Forgiveness means to let go. To abandon.

- A sin is a misunderstanding. The only way to correct this is to forgive yourself for committing these sins. 

- Start the healing process with yourself.

- Resentment and guilt is how sickness and diseases manifest. So let it go.

- If somebody did do something negative to you, you don’t need to lash back at them. The universe will handle it.

- “Forgive yourself for thoughtlessness. Do not condemn the past. For it is gone with it’s mistakes. Their memory cannot last. Forget the failures and misdeeds, from such experience rise. Why should you let your head be bowed? Lift up your heart and eyes.” -Raymond Holliwell

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Law of Forgiveness

If you want forgiveness, you must learn to forgive yourself first for your sins. What is forgiveness? It means to let go. To abandon. Now what is a sin and what happens when we commit a sin? Many people were raised with the belief that a sin is going against God. Although that may be true, there’s more to it then that and a less harsh way of seeing it. A sin is a misunderstanding. It’s a mistake. It means that you’re off of your path. The only way to correct this is to forgive yourself for committing these sins. Now that’s great news to hear. We don’t have to wait for someone to forgive us. We can forgive ourselves now to get back on track. In fact, we must forgive ourselves first before others can forgive us. So you might as well start the healing process with yourself. Who cares about what you did wrong in the past. Let it go. You can’t change what you did in the past. A hundred years from now no one’s going to remember what you did. Forgive yourself and move on. Guiltiness is a way for sickness and diseases to manifest. 

Now for the next part of this law. Are you holding resentment towards anyone? Chances are a million to one that you are. Let it go. What benefits do you get from holding resentment towards somebody? Did you know that resentment is another way for sickness and diseases to manifest? Believe it or not, scientists have proven this. Bob Proctor couldn’t have said it any better. In the movie “The Secret” he says that “Disease is a body that is not at ease.” When you hold on to resentment towards someone or something, it continues to build up. In Raymond Holliwell’s book Working With the Law, he stated that “Abnormal tumors and cancers are due to a long period of suppressed grief and anxiety.”

 I remember when I was working at a health food store, this customer was angry because we we’re closed and I locked the door on him. Two weeks later, I heard from my co-workers that he returned to the store looking for me and was still angry that I had locked the door on him. Who holds on to something like that for two weeks? I learned that this wasn’t the first time he had done this. According to other co-workers, his whole life is resenting others and not taking responsibility for himself. I guess my point in this story is, don’t be this guy. You’re guaranteed to attract dis-ease if you take this path. So what if some guy cut you off on the street. Believe it or not, him cutting you off had absolutely nothing to do with you. Chances are, his life is not going the way he wants it to go and he’s frustrated because of it. Just let it go. You don’t need to direct your energy to him for two weeks. The reality is, the universe takes care of these things for you. So if somebody did do something negative to you, you don’t need to lash back at them. The universe will handle it. Remember, it’s called cause and effect. 

So forgive yourself for the debt you have fallen into. Forgive yourself for being rejected by that girl or boy. Forgive yourself for the weight you’ve gained. Forgive yourself for all the F’s you got on tests in school. Forgive yourself for being unemployed. Forgive yourself for resenting others. The past does not equal the future. Now that you have forgiven yourself, you can get back on the right track and move forward. You will find that the people who matter will forgive you on that path. Raymond Holliwell sums it best saying “Forgive yourself for thoughtlessness. Do not condemn the past. For it is gone with it’s mistakes. Their memory cannot last. Forget the failures and misdeeds, from such experience rise. Why should you let your head be bowed? Lift up your heart and eyes.”

-Raymond Holliwell 

Law of Success Summary

You were meant to succeed!

“God intended every individual to succeed. It is God’s purpose that man should become great.”

“Nature knows no failures. Nature never plans for anything but success.”

“The past does not equal the future.”

“Know thyself,” and you'll be on your way to success!

Law of Success

You were meant to succeed! In fact, everyone was meant to be great. Raymond Holliwell says so in his chapter on The Law of Success. “God intended every individual to succeed. It is God’s purpose that man should become great.” This is huge. Just imagine what the world would be like if everyone was aware of this. There would be a great feeling of hope and optimism creating a mass effect all around the world. People would be more likely to focus on their future and set themselves up for their own success rather than their failures. 

Holliwell also mentions that “Nature knows no failures. Nature never plans for anything but success.” That means that whatever is happening right now (that is, if you have chosen a path with a definite purpose) you are on the road to your success. While on your way to success, you’re probably going to go through a tough transition at the same time. People who are on their way to success often have others try to pull them back down to their standard of living. They want them to succeed, yet they don’t want them to leave. But this is where all of the laws come into play. If you have been obedient to all of the laws, then you have nothing to worry about. 

The Law of Success basically says if you choose to follow all of the laws, the outcome will be your success. A guaranteed way to attract success using these laws is through persistence in practicing them and studying them. The most successful people of the past and in the present never stop studying the things about which they are most passionate. They’re locked into it. Bob Proctor of “The Secret” has been studying these laws for over 50 years now. He studies them every day. One of the most effective and optimistic affirmations in the world are the words “I can.” That’s what successful people say to themselves on a daily basis. I think you can guess what unsuccessful people say to themselves.

Don’t let the current state of your life dictate your future. Don’t let your low bank account tell you how much money you’re going to have in the future. Don’t let unpopularity tell you that you’ll never have any friends. Don’t let an unhealthy body tell you you’ll be unhealthy the rest of your life. Don’t let a poor report card tell you that you’re not smart. As Tony Robbins says “The past does not equal the future.” The past is who you were. It’s not who you are now. Take responsibility for everything that has happened to you, even if it wasn’t your fault, and forgive yourself. Now you know better and are more aware of what’s going on in your life. This is the first step towards your self-growth and success. Live in harmony with these laws, and you will attract success in your life. 

Remember that it all starts with the way you think. Thinking is the most powerful thing all humans are capable of. Remember that there is an infinite source of supply. There is no limitation. Remember that you become what you think about most. Remember that you must give before you can get. Remember to be grateful for whatever you’ve got, so you can attract more and better things into your life. Remember that whatever effort you put into something, you’re going to receive back tenfold. Remember not to react, but to respond. Remember to forgive yourself and others. Remember that you have to give up something good to get something better. And remember most of all to be obedient to the laws, for they are your key to attaining the personal success you desire. Here is an ancient piece of advice by Socrates that most people don’t follow: “Know thyself.” It is basic and is the greatest single thing you need to attract the success you want in your life.