Monday, February 18, 2013

Law of Thinking

Did you know that thinking is the most powerful thing a human being is capable of? It’s true. Your thought frequency is a form of energy. Your thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space. It has been said that the mind is the most powerful force in the world! According to Raymond Holliwell, author of the book Working With the Law,“Thought is a subtle element. Although it is invisible to the physical sight, it is an actual force of substance, as real as electricity, heat, water, or even stone. We are surrounded by a vast ocean of thought through which our thoughts pass like currents of electricity.” This means that any kind of thought is 100% present to tap into where ever you go.
What’s even more amazing about the law of thinking is that scientists have discovered that our thoughts travel at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. That means that your thought travels 930,000 times faster than the sound of your voice. Since the world is much less than 186,000 miles, this means that your thoughts can flash all around the world numerous times in less than one second. Our thoughts are power, and power will always produce effect. Scientists have proven that there is no other force or power known to be as great or fast.
To the average person, life is one big mystery. The thing is, our lack of understanding of life is what creates the mystery of life. It causes us to feel fear. The thoughts and emotions of fear lower the vibratory rate of your body. This ends up attracting people who are also fearful into your life. It is so crucial to think pure thoughts. In Bob Proctor’s Manifestation video series, when he talks about the law of thinking, he states that “The thoughts that you think and turn over to your emotional mind INSTANTLY by law control the vibratory rate of your body.” Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich says that “THOUGHTS WHICH ARE MIXED WITH ANY OF THE FEELINGS OF EMOTIONS, CONSTITUTE A ‘MAGNETIC’ FORCE WHICH ATTRACTS, FROM THE VIBRATIONS OF THE ETHER, OTHER SIMILAR, OR RELATED THOUGHTS.” In view of these statements, doesn’t make more sense to know why you need to think positive thoughts? The human body is magnetic energy. Notice the word magnetic. Think about it. What you think about you’re attracting into your life just like a magnet!
If you have ever watched “The Secret”, the movie about the Law of Attraction, it is mentioned in the movie that a thought has a frequency. Not just one thought, every thought that you have has a frequency and it goes out into the universe. You attract what you’re thinking about most of the time. If you have ever read Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill says that “All men have become what they are because of their DOMINATING THOUGHTS AND DESIRES.” My question for you is this: what are your dominating thoughts and desires?
Now that you understand this Law of Thinking, how is your life right now? Are things shaky? Are you currently going through a break-up with a girlfriend/boyfriend? Did you just lose your job? Did good friends turn their back on you? If anything like this is happening right now, an average person is probably thinking “My life is over”,“He/she was all I had”, or “they we’re the only friends I had.” But now that you know this phenomenal law, why in the world would you think that? There’s so much more to life than that. Why not think that a better job is coming towards you instead? Why not think that a better relationship is in the process of coming to you? Why not think that better and more supportive friends are coming? Doesn’t this sound like a much better idea?
I remember when I was younger having these thoughts when such events would occur. It was devastating. But then as time would go by and I let those thoughts go, better friends came to me, better women, and better opportunities would show up! My guess would be that I subconsciously thought that I wanted things like friends and women to get better, but they would end up getting worse instead. What this process is, is a blessing in disguise. I was thinking I want BETTER. The universe responded by making room for the better that I desired by causing me to let go of the people and situations I now saw as “worse”. Before I knew it, better friends and better women were in my life!
So as you see here, life is all about how you think! Are you in a negative mind frequency right now? Well, I’ve got good news for you. All you have to do is change your mind frequency. Fill yourself up with positive, pure thoughts and see your life changing for the better!. “Whether you think you can or can’t you’re right,” Henry Ford once said. Hint: choose to think that you can!

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