Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Law of Supply

How would you feel, if you woke up this morning to find out that you’re worth $13.5 billion dollars? Mark Zuckerberg, founder of facebook, is currently worth this much today. What if you found out that you had an IQ of 210? Kim Ung-yong, the world’s smartest man, has this IQ. What if you found out that you’re the world’s greatest thinker of today? All of this sounds great doesn’t it? The thing is, $13.5 billion and an IQ of 210, is very small when comparing to what the universe has to offer. What does the universe have to offer us? An infinite source of Supply. 

Did you know that all of the energy and knowledge that you want is 100% present right now where you are? It doesn’t matter where you are. You could be on Mt. Everest or on a beach in Hawaii. Your source of supply is present everywhere. The Law of Conservation of energy states that “Nothing can be neither created or destroyed.” In Raymond Holliwell’s book Working With the Law, he states that “Man is never satisfied. But, God did not attend that man should be forever satisfied. The Law of his being is perpetual increase, progress, and growth. So when one good is realized, another desire for a greater good will develop, and when a higher state is reached, another and more glorious state will unfold his vision and urge him on and on.” 

Did you know that human beings were meant to be dissatisfied? It’s true. It’s because of dissatisfaction that keeps us going in life. If there was a destination in life and we reached that destination, we probably wouldn’t live for much longer. We have the internet. We have new brands of cars coming in every year. We can talk to somebody 5,000 miles away, face to face on a computer.  We have bigger and better things coming into our world everyday.

Notice how when people have a goal in mind,  other people try to discourage them from attaining it. Let’s say an NFL football team just won the Super Bowl. It’s the biggest prize in the NFL. People would say things like “Well they’ve won it all. What’s left for them?” Well, why not win another Super Bowl? I believe the reason why wide receiver Plaxico Burress shot himself was because he didn’t think there was anything left to play for in the NFL. What he didn’t realize was that the universe has an infinite source of supply, meaning he could’ve set a higher goal for himself to win another super bowl.

There are many people out there that are ignorant to this. Since they are, either they don’t do much for themselves or they reach a goal, and then they stop. Why? The universe has so much to offer us. We have infinite potential meaning we can be as great as we want to be. We can even be better than great. Joe Montana, former Quarterback of the 49ers, has four super bowl rings. Kobe Bryant has won 5 NBA championships. Just think of your favorite athlete or actor and think of how good they are. They are an example that you can be as good as you want to be. 

What we have to understand is that there is no lack in the universe. There is only abundance. There is more than enough for everybody. The only reason for lack existing is because people entertain lack thoughts.  What you put time and energy into grows over time. There is no such thing as fear, just a lack of confidence. There is no such thing as poverty, just a lack of wealth. There is no such thing as hatred, just a lack of love. If you have a low bank account, and your focused intensely on the “lack” that you have, it’s going to stay like that. You must believe that you will have more money, so that more money can come to you. Choose to entertain thoughts of Prosperity and abundance, be patient, and it will come to you. 

Let’s say you go to the market to buy coca-cola. You arrive and you find out that the market is out of coke. What happens? The stocker comes out with more coke, and re-stocks the empty shelves. What if the market is completely out of coca-cola? Then a delivery truck comes by the market to drop off more coke. Notice how this is a continuous process. This process has been happening for over 125 years now and coca cola is still in existence as of today. So the next time thoughts of “lack” are coming into your head, just think about a market and how when they run out of something, it gets re-stocked. This goes for everything. Now you never have to worry about not having enough in your life. 

The beauty of this law is that we don’t all want the same things. Not everyone wants to drive a Ferrari, wants to be an actor, wants the same love interests, wants to eat the same foods, etc. Everyone has different tastes in all areas of life. Now you know about the Law of Supply. Use it to your advantage. 

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