Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Law of Forgiveness

If you want forgiveness, you must learn to forgive yourself first for your sins. What is forgiveness? It means to let go. To abandon. Now what is a sin and what happens when we commit a sin? Many people were raised with the belief that a sin is going against God. Although that may be true, there’s more to it then that and a less harsh way of seeing it. A sin is a misunderstanding. It’s a mistake. It means that you’re off of your path. The only way to correct this is to forgive yourself for committing these sins. Now that’s great news to hear. We don’t have to wait for someone to forgive us. We can forgive ourselves now to get back on track. In fact, we must forgive ourselves first before others can forgive us. So you might as well start the healing process with yourself. Who cares about what you did wrong in the past. Let it go. You can’t change what you did in the past. A hundred years from now no one’s going to remember what you did. Forgive yourself and move on. Guiltiness is a way for sickness and diseases to manifest. 

Now for the next part of this law. Are you holding resentment towards anyone? Chances are a million to one that you are. Let it go. What benefits do you get from holding resentment towards somebody? Did you know that resentment is another way for sickness and diseases to manifest? Believe it or not, scientists have proven this. Bob Proctor couldn’t have said it any better. In the movie “The Secret” he says that “Disease is a body that is not at ease.” When you hold on to resentment towards someone or something, it continues to build up. In Raymond Holliwell’s book Working With the Law, he stated that “Abnormal tumors and cancers are due to a long period of suppressed grief and anxiety.”

 I remember when I was working at a health food store, this customer was angry because we we’re closed and I locked the door on him. Two weeks later, I heard from my co-workers that he returned to the store looking for me and was still angry that I had locked the door on him. Who holds on to something like that for two weeks? I learned that this wasn’t the first time he had done this. According to other co-workers, his whole life is resenting others and not taking responsibility for himself. I guess my point in this story is, don’t be this guy. You’re guaranteed to attract dis-ease if you take this path. So what if some guy cut you off on the street. Believe it or not, him cutting you off had absolutely nothing to do with you. Chances are, his life is not going the way he wants it to go and he’s frustrated because of it. Just let it go. You don’t need to direct your energy to him for two weeks. The reality is, the universe takes care of these things for you. So if somebody did do something negative to you, you don’t need to lash back at them. The universe will handle it. Remember, it’s called cause and effect. 

So forgive yourself for the debt you have fallen into. Forgive yourself for being rejected by that girl or boy. Forgive yourself for the weight you’ve gained. Forgive yourself for all the F’s you got on tests in school. Forgive yourself for being unemployed. Forgive yourself for resenting others. The past does not equal the future. Now that you have forgiven yourself, you can get back on the right track and move forward. You will find that the people who matter will forgive you on that path. Raymond Holliwell sums it best saying “Forgive yourself for thoughtlessness. Do not condemn the past. For it is gone with it’s mistakes. Their memory cannot last. Forget the failures and misdeeds, from such experience rise. Why should you let your head be bowed? Lift up your heart and eyes.”

-Raymond Holliwell 

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