Thursday, January 10, 2013

Law of Increase

Do you want more out of life? Would you like to see more money in your bank account? Would you like more fulfilling friendships? Do you want to have more energy? How about better health? Well then, you’re reading the right page then. Did you know you can improve anything in your life through giving it  praise? It’s true. Things that are failing can be praised into success. Not only does this work with people, it works for everything. It works with plants, animals, relationships, money, health, etc. The thing is, you’re supposed to be wanting more out of your life. Do yourself a favor. Go get a clean sheet of paper and a pen, and write down everything that you want. Whether it be owning your own company, becoming a great actor, or becoming the very best in your field of work. What you have to understand is that you can have it! The universe is your infinite source of supply and you can have anything you desire in life. 

If you want to get more out of life, you have to be grateful for what you already have. This law is where the Law of Praise comes in. What you put praise into grows over time. The more you praise the things you already have, the more you’re going to receive. The problem is though that people do the complete opposite. They’re ungrateful for what they have. What that does is make those things worse. If you’re complaining that you don’t have much in your bank account, then you’re creating more of not having much in your bank account. The thing is complaining,  condemning, and criticizing is actually counterproductive because not only do you use your energy towards this, you’re also draining your energy too. Praising makes things grow. It creates energy and it encourages people to do better. So if you have $1.00 in your bank account, begin to praise it. Be grateful that you even have one to begin with because it is your account. It is up to you how much you want it to increase. 

Why is it so important to be grateful? When you’re grateful, you raise your rate of vibration and personal magnetism. Not only that, science has proven that having a grateful attitude can improve your health dramatically in much the same way antioxidants do. An effective way to incorporate more gratitude into your life is to have a gratitude journal and write down all of the things that you’re truly grateful for. The more grateful you are, the more you’re going to receive from the universe. An effective affirmation that I use is, “I praise________________ with all my heart.” The reason to praise with your heart is because your heart gives off a very high electromagnetic field. It has been scientifically proven, that the heart gives off an electromagnetic field 5,000 times greater than the mind. Don’t know where to start? Here’s a list of things to help you get started with your gratitude journal. Remember, you really have to be grateful and you have to feel it in order for things to manifest. 

  • A place to live.
  • A car to drive.
  • Your family.
  • Your friends.
  • Your life.
  • Your favorite foods.
  • Your favorite places.
  • Your favorite TV shows, movies, books.
  • Your pets.
  • Your heroes. 
  • Your health. 
  • Your money.
  • Your accomplishments. 

Always remember that if you want to increase anything in your life, you must begin to praise it. Whatever you have, be grateful for it. Greater good is guaranteed to come to you if you go down this path with persistence. Remember that the universe mirrors back to you what you have been putting forth.

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