This is a problem that comes up VERY often. So you know about the law of attraction. You’re thinking about what you want, You’re getting into all the material about it, You’re studying, you’re developing yourself, you’re making it clear to the universe exactly what you want out of life, but nothings happening. Why is that? Well, I have a good news for you. You’re not the first one, and you’ll certainly not be the last. I have the answer to this problem. The answer is programming.
Bob Proctor calls it paradigms. It’s a multitude of habits that you’ve gathered growing up. It’s what you’ve been programmed with. You’ve been programmed with certain beliefs from authority figures like your parents, what you see on TV, what you hear on the radio, what your teachers have been teaching you in school, etc. Go back to when you were a baby.
Did you know that from the time you were born to around 5-7 years old, your subconscious mind is wide open? Are you aware of what the subconscious mind does? I’ll tell you this. It has no ability to reject anything. It can only accept. A baby is in a room and the parents are talking, it’s being programmed to how a relationship should be. A baby hears the Mom and Dad’s beliefs about money, it's being raised to believe the same thing.
Are you having financial issues? What are you’re beliefs about money? Are you having trouble getting a relationship that you want? What are you’re beliefs about the opposite sex? Are you having health issues? What we’re you told to believe about your body? If you have negative beliefs about these things (and most people do), it’s what has been planted in your subconscious mind and your subconscious is magnetizing it to you!
So now what? Can we change our old programming? I’ve got good news for you. Yes you can! How can we reprogram our old beliefs? It’s through repetition. Start adopting new beliefs about things you’re having a difficult time with. Start thinking of more positive ways to think and then adapt yourself to live that way through your actions. Not only think in a new way, but take different actions that's in harmony with your new positive beliefs. Now once you’ve planted these new seeds in your mind, understand that they’re not going to grow over night. This is another problem people run into. Understand that this process takes time. A plant doesn’t grow over night. A baby takes 9 months to be born. It’s the same thing with this.
So plant what you want in your mind right now. Entertain those thoughts often and the thoughts of how to get those things and what actions to take will come to you. Pretty soon, you’re going to be connected with an entirely different world that you’ll absolutely love!