Friday, February 8, 2013

Law of Attraction

When we think of the Law of Attraction, we think of the big hit movie “The Secret.” The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It is the universes most powerful law and it works every time. What you focus on is what you will get. What you think about most of the time is what you attract. Most people are unaware that your thoughts are a frequency. What they think about comes back to them like a magnet.
When The Secret was first introduced to the world, it fired a lot of people up. People we’re thrilled about it. Then after a while, they started to lose faith in it. Why does this happen? Well, in my opinion, there are three reasons why it doesn’t work for them.
  1. They think about what they don’t want.
  2. There’s a lack of clarity in what they’re asking for.
  3. They don’t know what they want.
It’s funny how most people think about what they don’t want. It sounds ridiculous right? But they really do! They understand it, yet they don’t understand it. Bob Proctor has a perfect example of this. Most of the world has a goal to get out of the debt that they have accumulated. They have a positive intention for themselves, however, what they don’t know is that they are attracting more debt. The problem with this goal is that they are thinking debt. It doesn’t matter that they want to get out of it. It is far better to have a goal to make $1 million dollars in three months than it is to have a goal to get out of debt because you don’t have $1 million dollars.
Another problem why the law of Attraction doesn’t work for people is their lack of clarity in what they want. Let’s say you wanted a new house. Six months later, you have a new house. However, the house is small and cramped with plumbing problems and when it rains the ceiling leaks. What’s the problem here? Well, you do have a new house in your life, but you did not clarify what kind of new house you were looking for. Just saying you want a new house isn’t going to cut it. That’s why it’s important to be clear and have detail in what you want. For example, instead just saying that you want a new house, say that you want a new house that is spacious, comfortable, well-maintained, and inviting. The result is going to be much better and you will be more pleased with the outcome.
The last problem that people have with the Law of Attraction is simply that they don’t know what they want. How can you expect anything if you don’t know what you want? If you don’t know what you want, you have to ask yourself what you do want. What excites you in life? What do you really love to do? What makes you happy? What do you enjoy doing most in each area in your life? Once you have clarified what you do want, the law of attraction is much easier to work with.
Knowing what you want definitely makes this process 100 times easier. There is more to this process though. Your thoughts, visualization, and feelings All play a part in the manifestation process. In the book, Beyond Positive Thinking, Robert Anthony talks about the manifestation process. If you just think about something, you can expect a 10% success rate. If you think about something and visualize the end result, you can expect a 55% success rate. If you think about something, visualize the end result, and feel the emotion of what you are desiring, you can expect a 100% success rate.Desire and expectation are such a critical part of this process. You can’t attract anything without these two things. However, you also have to learn not to hold on to what you want for too long. In Raymond Holliwell’s book Working With the Law, he states that along with desire and expectation we also need 3 other things. We need to have a calm, confident, conviction. To be a good receiver, you have to learn to relax and it will come. You can’t have a conditional relationship with the universe. You have to have more of a no strings attached type of approach. After all, we are magnets for what we think about.
Remember, the Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the world. It’s always working and it never stops. I’m sure right now you’re thinking of great health, wealth, and abundance. I’ve got good news for you. Greater good is coming to you!

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